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BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE 2023 12/28



〒542-0086大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-7-22 道頓堀ハイツ203号室

公演名:BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE 12/28 場所:STARTREC STUIDO 企画&制作:WELCOMEMAN 運営:F1REWROKS 開場:18:00 開演:18:30 終演:21:30 券売:オフライン ¥2,500    オンラインはSHINKUKANプレミアムメンバー(月額1000円)の方のみご視聴可能 ドリンクは持参OK ▽ BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE 2023 12/28 視聴ページ

BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE 2023 12/28
BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE 2023 12/28


2023年12月28日 18:00 – 22:00

〒542-0086大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-7-22 道頓堀ハイツ203号室


BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE 2023 12/28 視聴ページ







【ストリーミング配信に関する注意事項】 ​ 



※配信ライブの特性上、インターネット回線や機材・システム上のトラブルにより、映像や音声の乱れ、一時停止、中断などが起こる可能性がございます。 その場合もチケット代の払い戻しはいたしかねますことを予めご了承ください。 

※お客様のインターネット環境、視聴環境に伴う不具合に関しては、主催者は責任を負いかねますことを予めご了承ください。 ※配信開始直前はサイトへのアクセスが集中するため、配信ページへのログインは時間に余裕をもってお済ませくださいますようお願いいたします。 
















動画視聴における推奨環境 ​

[スマートフォン、タブレット] iOS 11.0以降(Safari最新バージョン) 

Android OS 5.0以降(Google Chrome最新バージョン) 

[パソコン] Windows 10以上/ MacOS 10.9以上(最新バージョンのGoogle Chrome、Safari、MS Edge、Firefox)のいずれかを視聴の際に必ずご用意ください。 



購入前に必ず推奨環境にて視聴が可能かご確認ください。 また、端末やソフトウェアの故障や損傷がないこともご確認ください。 

推奨環境以外は一切のサポートを致しかねます。 ガラパゴス携帯はサポート対象外です。  

通信環境について ​ 

動画視聴には高速で安定したインターネット回線が必要です。 圏外や電波が弱い場所ではないか、パケット残容量はあるかを必ず事前にご確認ください。 

共有Wi-Fiを使っている場合は、使用していない端末のWi-FiをOFFにする、ルータとの間に障害となる物を置かないなど工夫してください。 また、





Notes on streaming distribution

*Before purchasing a ticket, be sure to carefully read the notes on each distribution media site and check whether you have an Internet environment and recommended environment suitable for watching live distribution.

* Cancellations, changes, or refunds for reasons other than postponing or canceling performances are not possible after ticket purchase.

*Due to the characteristics of live streaming, there is a possibility that video and audio disturbances, pauses, and interruptions may occur due to Internet line, equipment, and system problems. Please note that the ticket fee will not be refunded even in that case.

*Please note that the organizer will not be held responsible for any problems caused by your Internet environment or viewing environment. *Because access to the site will be concentrated just before the distribution starts, please allow yourself enough time to log in to the distribution page.

*If you watch from the middle of the broadcast live, it will be the live broadcast from that point, and you cannot rewind and play it during the broadcast.

*This performance will be live streamed for a fee. All rights are reserved by the organizer. Recording, filming, and recording of images and screens using cameras, smartphones, etc. are prohibited. In addition, you may be held legally responsible if you reprint or share on video sites without permission.

*Commercial use of the broadcast live video is prohibited. This includes receiving fees from the audience and broadcasting live video in restaurants, halls, etc.

  *Tickets can be purchased during the archive (missed) distribution period. Also, you can watch the archive as many times as you like during the period. Please check these details when purchasing your ticket.

Ticket notes

■The distribution URL can only be viewed with the purchased SHINUKAN account.

■Please refrain from sharing URLs with third parties. We will take action against the rules of the terms of use.

■Before purchasing a ticket, please read the notes carefully and be sure to check whether you have an internet environment/recommended environment suitable for watching the live broadcast.

■Cancellations, changes, and refunds for reasons other than postponing or canceling performances are not possible after ticket purchase.

■If you watch from the middle, the live broadcast will start from that point, and you will not be able to rewind and play it. Rewind playback is possible during archive distribution.

■Due to problems with the internet connection or system, there is a possibility that the delivered video or audio will be disturbed, or that the performance will be temporarily interrupted or ended in the middle.

■The organizer will not be held responsible for any problems caused by the customer's Internet environment or viewing environment.

■Customers are responsible for Internet communication costs related to browsing.

■We recommend using Wi-Fi because data traffic is expected to increase.

■This performance is a paid live broadcast. All rights are reserved by the organizer. Screen recording, shooting, and recording with cameras, smartphones, etc. are all prohibited. In addition, you may be held legally responsible if you reprint or share on video sites without permission.

Recommended environment for watching videos

[Smartphone, Tablet] iOS 11.0 or later (Safari latest version)

Android OS 5.0 or later (latest version of Google Chrome)

[Computer] Be sure to have either Windows 10 or higher / MacOS 10.9 or higher (latest version of Google Chrome, Safari, MS Edge, Firefox) when watching.

*If the video or audio is interrupted, it may be affected by your viewing environment, so please try viewing on a different browser or device.

Also, please check whether the line speed is sufficient and whether there is enough memory and free space before watching.

Please make sure that you can watch it in the recommended environment before purchasing. Also, make sure that your device and software are not broken or damaged.

We cannot provide any support outside of the recommended environment. Galapagos mobile phones are not supported.

Communication environment

A fast and stable internet connection is required to watch videos. Be sure to check beforehand whether you are out of service area or in a place with weak radio waves, and whether you have remaining packet capacity.

If you are using a shared Wi-Fi, turn off the Wi-Fi of the terminals you are not using, and do not place any obstacles between them and the router. Also,

Avoid crowded areas or areas surrounded by concrete.

In order to use this service comfortably, please use this service after confirming the above items.

In addition, the distributor and our company do not take any responsibility for viewing troubles caused by customers.

For other information, please check the Q&A or contact us using the inquiry form below.


  • オフライン会場チケット

    BRUSH the STUDIO LIVE ticket:¥2500 日時:2023年12月17日(日) 開場:18:00 開演:18:30

    手数料 +¥63




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